Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Memories from Amplify 2010

- Trace double dutching while holding Taylor Jo, and actually succeeding

- The little girl who ran away screaming when I offered her cole slaw at the block party

- Trace driving by to check on us every single time Baylee sat down

- Madison standing on Carrie and Taylor's shoulders to fix a swing "for the kids" =)

- Teeter-totter vs. seesaw

- Barclay's awesome humor and laugh that brings joy to any conversation and a smile to your face

- The moment of silence after Andrew asked us a question in Bible study because we couldn't even get close to comprehending the answer

- Talking about God's creation and how there's no way it happened by chance with Jeffrey

- Calling Veronica "Nevada" or "Vegas"

- Getting sick Monday night and missing dinner, but being able to witness the amazing sunset on the beach alone with God

- Being nicknamed "Jarebear" by the guys in my house

- "Heads up," when Trace kept remembering things he needed to tell us right before prayer

- Seeing our group love on the whole community during the block party

- The amazing final worship service

- "Ridin' deep" in Cameron's truck all week (five people in the back seat, on top of each other)

- Cramming into Cassie's car when she thought we were on outreach, and playing with Gray all the way back home

- Singing "Revelation Song" at the last worship service

- The huge waves and the sand blowing up at your face that felt like needles

- Moving up from Scum 2 to Vice President chair by chair, only to be demoted back to Scum the very next round

- Meeting a fellow Decaturian at Trace's and talking about ridiculous basketball games

- The horribly messy room with my clean and organized corner

- The awesome bus ride back home with Barclay, Luke, and Carly

- Baylee telling us about some of her odd tastes in food

- The goldfish in the PB&J sandwich

- Trace walking in the house we were working on and half of us are asleep

- Everyone else being really cold when I'm burning up

- Seeing all the beautiful families we had come with us on the trip

- Talking to Barclay and Luke for several hours until after 2 AM when I'd barely talked in my house the whole week

- Working right next door to a crew that was relentless in their work and as cheerful as could be

- Madison jumping at the opportunity to use any power tools =)

- "We need sandpaper, but you got SPONGES!"

- Spilling red paint on a freshly painted white wall, only to have it cover up beautifully in one coat

- 220+ voices praising the Lord in a single room, and a lack of any personal space (awesome place to worship!)

- Alan "Mr. Jim said he wanted to talk to us, he looked like a father that's disappointed in his son"
Mr. Jim "Hey guys, I'm going to make breakfast in the morning around 7:45"
Alan "...totally misread that"

- "I can't find the screwdriver" "Maybe it is in the oven?" (and it was actually under the oven, close enough!)

- Barclay talking about how awesome the photographer of the pictures in McDonald's is

- Getting 11 bags of chips for a 7 person crew

- "Hey Britton, can you get that? I can't reach"

- Taylor sending the girls ahead to the jobsite with Cameron while the guys waited for another hour because Trace couldn't leave yet

- George Strait

- "This won't work..." "Lick it"

There's probably a lot more, but that's all I can think of for now. Good times!

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